State Senator (2021-2026)
Displaying 401 - 450 of 781 unique individuals
Name Sort descending | Race/Ethnicity | Party | Roles | State |
Mary Kunesh-Podein | White, Native American/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian | Democrat, Democratic Farmer Labor Party |
State Representative (2017-2020)
Minnesota |
Karen Kwan | Asian American/Pacific Islander | Democrat |
State Senator (2023-2026)
State Representative (2017-2023)
Utah |
Vanessa Caston LaFleur | Black | Democrat |
Louisiana |
Morgan Lamantia | Unavailable | Democrat |
Texas |
London P. Lamar | Black | Democrat |
State Senator (2022-2026)
State Representative (2019-2022)
Tennessee |
Pamela R. Lampitt | White | Democrat |
New Jersey |
Nancy R. Landry | White | Republican |
Secretary of State (2024-2027)
State Representative (2008-2019)
Louisiana |
Mandie Landry | White | Democrat |
Louisiana |
Marilyn Lands | White | Democrat |
Alabama |
Amy J. Laufer | White | Democrat |
Virginia |
Summer L. Lee | Black | Democrat |
U.S. Representative (2023-2026)
State Representative (2019-2022)
Pennsylvania |
Laurel Lee | White | Republican |
Florida |
Judy Lee | White | Republican |
North Dakota |
Susie Lee | White | Democrat |
Nevada |
Teresa Leger Fernandez | Latina | Democrat |
New Mexico |
Mary Lehman | White | Democrat |
Maryland |
Lou A. Leon Guerrero | Asian American/Pacific Islander | Democrat |
Guam |
Julia Letlow | White | Republican |
Louisiana |
Destiny L. Levere Bolling | Black | Democrat |
Virginia |
Robbyn Lewis | Black | Democrat |
Maryland |
Brooke E. Lierman | White | Democrat |
Comptroller (2023-2026)
State Representative (2015-2022)
Maryland |
Kimberly A. Lightford | Black | Democrat |
Illinois |
Mamie E. Locke | Black | Democrat |
Virginia |
Elizabeth S. Lockman | Black | Democrat |
Delaware |
Zoe Lofgren | White | Democrat |
California |
Marilyn M. Dondero Loop | White | Democrat |
State Senator (2019-2026)
State Representative (2009-2014)
Nevada |
Michelle E. Lopes-Maldonado | Black | Democrat |
Virginia |
Yvonne Lopez | Latina | Democrat |
New Jersey |
Lesley J. Lopez | White | Democrat |
Maryland |
Meg Loughran Cappel | White | Democrat |
Illinois |
Sara Love | White | Democrat |
State Senator (2024-2026)
State Representative (2019-2024)
Maryland |
L. Louise Lucas | Black | Democrat |
Virginia |
Michelle Lujan Grisham | Latina | Democrat |
Governor (2019-2026)
U.S. Representative (2013-2018)
New Mexico |
Sylvia J. Luke | Asian American/Pacific Islander | Democrat |
Lt. Governor (2023-2026)
State Representative (1999-2022)
Hawaii |
Cynthia M. Lummis | White | Republican |
U.S. Senator (2021-2026)
U.S. Representative (2009-2016)
Treasurer (1999-2006)
State Senator (1993-1994)
State Representative (1985-1992)
State Representative (1979-1982)
Wyoming |
Anna Paulina Luna | White, Latina | Republican |
Florida |
Fiona Ma | Asian American/Pacific Islander | Democrat |
Treasurer (2019-2026)
State Representative (2007-2012)
California |
Nancy Mace | White | Republican |
U.S. Representative (2021-2026)
State Representative (2018-2020)
South Carolina |
Corina Magofna | Asian American/Pacific Islander | Independent |
Territorial/D.C. Senator (2023-2026)
Territorial/D.C. Representative (2022-2022)
Northern Mariana Islands |
Nicole Malliotakis | White, Latina | Republican |
U.S. Representative (2021-2026)
State Representative (2011-2020)
New York |
Celeste Maloy | White | Republican |
Utah |
Alice Mann | Latina | Democrat, Democratic Farmer Labor Party |
State Senator (2023-2026)
State Representative (2019-2020)
Minnesota |
C. Denise Marcelle | Black | Democrat |
Louisiana |
Janice Marchman | White | Democrat |
Colorado |
Lea Marquez Peterson | Latina | Republican |
Arizona |
Elaine Folk Marshall | White | Democrat |
Secretary of State (1997-2028)
State Senator (1993-1994)
North Carolina |
Sabina Matos | Black, Latina | Democrat |
Rhode Island |
Michelle Matsikoudis | White | Republican |
New Jersey |
Doris O. Matsui | Asian American/Pacific Islander | Democrat |
California |
Karla May | Black | Democrat |
State Senator (2019-2026)
State Representative (2011-2018)
Missouri |